Check which hashtags work the best for you with Twitter hashtag stats

Hashtags constitute an integral part of communication on Twitter. Obviously their main role is to highlight the topic of a tweet and enable easy and fast searching. By using correctly chosen hashtags, Twitter profiles can significantly increase the engagement of their followers. Thanks to Sotrender’s new feature – Twitter hashtag stats – you will be able to:

1. Increase engagement on your Twitter profile by choosing the right hashtags.

2. Check which hashtags work the best for you and use them more often.

3. Determine the most effective hashtags of your competitors and consider adding them to your tweets.

4. Learn hashtags used by users mentioning your profile or replying to your tweets.

Boost your Twitter communication to the next level by following these 4 strategies now!

Hashtags – tips & tricks

There are several strategies on how to maximize the use of hashtags, such as following trending ones or creating your own unique tags. We described them in more detail in our article entitled „How to use hashtags in Twitter marketing?.” According to Twitter, the best option is to include up to two hashtags in one tweet. As such, it’s crucial that you choose them very carefully. Sotrender’s data-driven tips for Twitter help you evaluate which hashtags increase the engagement of your fans and which ones deteriorate it.

Sotrender tips about hashtags

Sotrender tips about hashtags

Find your best hashtags with Twitter hashtag stats

Now we’re going one step further and introducing a feature which allows you to see the most effective hashtags you’ve used in your tweets. Log in to Sotrender’s panel and access the stats for your Twitter profile”. In the left menu below the tab „Brand tweets” you will find the tab with “Brand hashtags.”


After clicking on it you will get a clear list of all hashtags you used in the analyzed period with the number of activities (favourites, retweets, replies) they triggered and the frequency of use.

Twitter hashtags stats in Sotrender - brand hashtags

Twitter hashtag stats in Sotrender – brand hashtags

Obviously you can sort the list by clicking on the heading of each column. Default hashtags are sorted by the number of times used. As usual, data is available for days, weeks, months and even years.

Check your Twitter hashtag statsStart free trial

Hashtag stats are available also for the profiles of your competitors. You can also learn from your competitors’ mistakes and see which hashtags were not effective so that you can omit them in your communication. On the other hand, it’s always worth knowing and monitoring tags that provoke high engagement on your competitors’ profiles, because introducing them to your tweets may have possitive impact also on the engagement of your Twitter profile.

Find the most popular user hashtags

In Sotrender you can not only check which hashtags that you used and which performed the best during the analyzed period. You can also check the frequency and results of hashtags used by Twitter users in tweets in which they mention a given brand or in replies to this brand’s tweets. All you need to do is to click on “User hashtags” and you will get a similar list but with hashtags used the most frequently by the users. 

Twitter hashtags stats in Sotrender - user hashtags

Twitter hashtag stats in Sotrender – user hashtags

Feel invited to test the new feature, we will really appreciate your feedback!


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